Microbial Identification

Figure 1: Illustration of ribosomal RNA operon
Microbial Identification
The identification of microorganisms has traditionally relied on phenotypic methods. With advancements in genetic methods, various classification methodologies based on nucleotide sequences are increasingly popular due to their specificity and speed. Gene sequencing-based techniques can serve to detect, identify, and monitor microbes, even poorly known or uncultured microorganisms. Comparative gene sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) has been shown to have the highest accuracy of microbial identification system technologies and has been considered the gold standard for microbial identification for over a decade.
Poochon’s Rapid Microbial Identification System uses a highly accurate phylogenetic approach for microbial identification based on the sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria or the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and 28S rRNA gene for fungi (Figure 1). The resulting sequences of microbial samples are compared to sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s database. Our genotypic microbial identification solution is based on sequence-based analyses of ribosomal genes in bacteria and fungi and complies with approaches recommended by regulatory agencies for accurate microorganism identification.
+ M101: Bacterial ID (Single Colony)
Bacterial Identification of Samples (Single Colonies on Plates) By 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis
Price: $69.99 per colony
Turnaround Time: 1 to 2 business days
Service Description: • Single colonies are processed for genomic DNA isolation followed by PCR of the 16S rRNA gene
• Amplified 16S rRNA gene product is further analyzed by automated DNA sequencing using Applied Biosystems™ 3730xl DNA Analyzer
• Data is analyzed by Applied Biosystems™ Sequencing Analysis Software and NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
• Beneficial for environmental monitoring, contamination investigation, root cause analysis, and raw materials testing, as well as microbial ID in small-molecule samples from biopharmaceutical manufacturing and service laboratories
• Microbial ID certificate of analysis
• Organism species and strain-level Identity
Suitable Sample Type: Single colonies on plates
+ M102: Bacterial ID (Liquid Medium or Materials)
Bacterial Identification of Samples (Liquid Medium or Materials) By 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis
Price: $299.99 per sample
Turnaround Time: Up to 10 business days
Service Description:
• Samples are cultured on TSA and TSB plates
• Single colonies with the same morphology are processed for genomic DNA isolation followed by PCR of the 16S rRNA gene
• Amplified 16S rRNA gene product is further analyzed by automated DNA sequencing using Applied Biosystems™ 3730xl DNA Analyzer
• Data is analyzed by Applied Biosystems™ Sequencing Analysis Software and NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
• Beneficial for environmental monitoring, contamination investigation, root cause analysis, and raw materials testing, as well as microbial identification in small-molecule samples from biopharmaceutical manufacturing and service laboratories
• Microbial ID certificate of analysis
• Organism species and strain-level Identity
Suitable Sample Type: Contaminated culture medium samples, any liquid samples, or plates with bacterial colonies
+ M103: Fungal ID
Fungal Identification of Samples (Single Colonies on Plates) By ITS and 28S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis
Price: $249.99 per colony
Turnaround Time: 3 to 5 business days
Service Description:
• Single colonies with the same morphology are processed for genomic DNA isolation followed by PCR of the ITS region and 28S rRNA gene
• Amplified ITS region and 28S rRNA gene products are further analyzed by automated DNA sequencing using Applied Biosystems™ 3730xl DNA Analyzer
• Data is analyzed by Applied Biosystems™ Sequencing Analysis Software and NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
• Beneficial for environmental monitoring, contamination investigation, root cause analysis, and raw materials testing, as well as microbial identification in small-molecule samples from biopharmaceutical manufacturing and service laboratories
• Microbial ID certificate of analysis
• Organism species and strain-level Identity
Suitable Sample Type: Single colonies on plates
submission Guidelines