Plasmid Preparation

Receivable (Yield): up to 20 µg

Specification: < 50 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.85

Unit Price: $25.99

Receivable (Yield): > 250 µg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $149.99

Receivable (Yield): > 1000 µg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $449.99

Receivable (Yield): 2 mg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $699.99

Receivable (Yield): 5 –10 mg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $1,199.99

plasmid preparation

Plasmid DNA Preparation

Poochon provides high quantity, large scale transfection grade plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures. Using streamlined production workflow and proprietary technology, we deliver purified plasmid DNA in various quantities within 3-5 days. We use Endofree Kits to prepare high standard endotoxin-free plasmid DNA. We accept most sample formats (e.g. plasmid DNA, agar plates, stripes, glycerol stock, and liquid cultures).

Our large-scale plasmid DNA preparation service is suitable for customers who work with direct transfection with mammalian cell lines or stem cells which undergo rigorous quality control steps. With our guaranteed endotoxin free standard (<1 EU/mg), you can achieve a high expression level of the plasmid with minimal concern about the cell toxicity.

+ D201: Plasmid DNA Miniprep

Receivable (Yield): up to 20 µg

Specification: < 50 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.85

Unit Price: $25.99

+ D202: Plasmid DNA Midiprep

Receivable (Yield): > 250 µg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $149.99

+ D203: Plasmid DNA Maxiprep

Receivable (Yield): > 1000 µg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $449.99

+ D204: Plasmid DNA Megaprep

Receivable (Yield): 2 mg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $699.99

+ D205: Plasmid DNA Gigaprep

Receivable (Yield): 5 –10 mg

Specification: < 0.1 EU/µg DNA; A260/A280 = 1.80 – 1.95

Unit Price: $1,199.99

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301-761-4835 | [email protected]

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Sample Shipping Instructions

Please fill out the Sample Pickup Request if there is dropbox in your area

If there is no DNA-sample drop box at your location, please ship your sample to
Poochon Scientific
5350 Partners Court, Suite C,
Frederick, MD, 21703